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Chomskys Perspective

Manufactured Consent: Noam Chomsky on System-Supported Propaganda

Chomsky's Perspective

Noam Chomsky, a world-renowned academic and public intellectual, recently discussed the concept of "manufactured consent" with Al Jazeera. Chomsky defines manufactured consent as a propaganda system supported by authorities through various means, subtly influencing public opinion to align with the interests of those in power.

The Palestine-Israel Conflict

Chomsky, a philosopher and political activist, also analyzed the Palestine-Israel conflict, highlighting a key problem: the disproportionate power imbalance between the two entities. He argues that Israel's overwhelming military superiority creates an unfair advantage, making it difficult for a peaceful resolution.

Interview at King's College London

During Israeli Apartheid Week in March 2023, Chomsky spoke to students at King's College London. He shared his insights on the conflict, emphasizing the need for a just and equitable solution.

Gaza in Crisis

In the documentary "Gaza in Crisis," Chomsky and Ilan Pappé, another prominent critic of the conflict, examine the devastating fallout from the Israeli offensive on Gaza. They analyze the human rights abuses and the complex geopolitical dynamics that have contributed to the crisis.


Noam Chomsky's work exposes the insidious nature of manufactured consent and the profound impact it has on shaping public opinion. By understanding this form of propaganda, we can become more discerning consumers of information and actively challenge the narratives that serve the interests of the powerful instead of the people.
