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Brexit Impact On Uk Immigration

Brexit: Analysis of Future Scenarios


The British government has released an analysis of the potential economic impacts of different Brexit scenarios. The study, published in 2018, examines the consequences of leaving the European Union with a deal, without a deal, or remaining in the EU.

Key Findings

The analysis projects that a no-deal Brexit would have the most severe impact on the UK economy. It predicts a 9.3% reduction in GDP within the following 15 years. A deal would mitigate some of the losses, but would still result in a 6.7% decline in GDP. Remaining in the EU would result in a 1.5% increase in GDP.

Impact on Different Sectors

The study also examines the impact of Brexit on different economic sectors. It indicates that the automotive, manufacturing, and financial services sectors would be likely to experience the largest negative impacts. The report also warns that a no-deal Brexit, in particular, could lead to job losses and damage the UK's reputation as a global trading hub.

Political Implications

The results are expected to have a significant impact on the ongoing Brexit negotiations. Proponents of a no-deal Brexit have criticized the study, arguing that it overstates the economic risks. However, supporters of a softer Brexit believe that the analysis provides a powerful justification for avoiding a no-deal scenario.
