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Brexit Impact On Uk Fashion Industry

UK Fashion Industry Warns of Brexit Disaster

Open Letter Highlights Devastating Impact on Trade

Over 400 prominent figures from the UK fashion industry have joined forces to send an open letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, expressing grave concerns over the newly negotiated Brexit trade terms. The letter, signed by leading designers, retailers, and industry experts, paints a bleak picture of the potential impact of the deal on the UK's fashion and textile sectors.

The signatories argue that the deal, which was agreed upon between the UK and the European Union, fails to address key concerns raised by the fashion industry. They warn that the additional tariffs and customs checks that will be imposed on UK exports to the EU will make it significantly more difficult for British businesses to compete in the European market.

The letter also highlights the potential job losses and economic damage that could result from the deal. The fashion and textile industry is one of the UK's most important economic sectors, employing over 800,000 people and contributing £32 billion to the UK economy each year. However, the signatories warn that the deal could lead to a significant decline in exports, resulting in job losses and a loss of revenue for the UK economy.
